Will You Join Us Tomorrow?
The Strategic Narrative Workshop starts tomorrow.
Many workshop alumni have discovered that growing an impactful business takes three things:
- A container
- A community
- A commitment
I talk about it in this short video.
I’ve built the container.
There is a community waiting for you to join.
All that’s left for you to do is commit.
Here is what Stephanie Gianarelli, Founder of Acupuncture Northwest, had to say after she did:
“I was starting a new line of business, and before this workshop, it felt overwhelming. This class was a wonderful way to focus on my company’s core and have a clear message and strategy for customers and employees alike. Guillaume is passionate about helping you create your strategic narrative, make your company be its best, get more customers, and also become a better place to work. I can’t recommend this class enough!”
We start tomorrow.
Will you join us?
If yes, click here.