Do you aspire to build an authentic business? 

You probably do. But practically speaking, do you know how? Claiming authenticity is a major trend today, and if you're here, you're likely ready to move beyond mere buzzwords. Choosing the right clients, launching new services, or engaging in meaningful conversations—every action builds your business’s true narrative.

Building an authentic expertise-based business can be challenging:

  • It demands concrete actions: More than introspection, it’s about taking real steps, not just saying the right things but doing them with commitment and accountability.
  • It involves resisting insincere methods: It's tempting to adopt strategies that work but might feel insincere or even unethical.
  • It requires navigating overwhelming options: In today’s world, we are inundated with ways to expand a business, making it easy to feel overwhelmed.

You're not alone if you're running into obstacles like:

😬 Feeling “salesy” when reaching out to clients.

😥 Sweating over the question, "What do you do?"

😐 Hesitating to specialize for fear of missing out on opportunities.

🤫 Wondering what to do first, second, or third?

🤨 Questioning how certain actions will help you serve more clients.

😣 Struggling to organize your weeks while staying true to yourself.

😵‍💫 Difficulty balancing between complete freedom and discipline.


😌 Reducing the overwhelm by having a focused set of strategies that are tailored to your unique business needs.

👍 Having a clear process to guide every decision in your business, aligning with your core values and vision.

🙂 Feeling confident and genuine in every client interaction, knowing that your business aligns with your ethos.

🤗 Experiencing less stress and more joy in your work, knowing you are making progress without compromising your integrity.

🤩 Creating a motivated team culture because everyone knows who they help and how, workflows are easier, and costs are lower.

🤑 Receiving premium value for your services because clients trust not only your results, but also your authentic approach.

Join the MetaHelm Activators Training

Think of this program as a business gym for soulful entrepreneurs.

MAT is a dynamic group training program designed to bridge theory and practice. It gives you the business skills to grow an authentic, expertise-based business.


MAT is ideal for you if:

You are a solopreneur, freelancer, or a member of the leadership team of a professional services firm selling expertise through consulting, coaching, design, engineering, or tech services.

✅ You value authenticity as a business ethos.

✅ You are launching a new business or aiming to make your existing business more profitable while staying true to yourself.

✅ You are self-directed.

✅ You are comfortable in a group setting and value feedback from like-minded entrepreneurs.

✅  You have limited time, budget, or help.

✅ You seek clear steps and accountability to honor and fulfill your calling.

Are you ready to join?

$100 / MONTH

No long-term commitment required. Cancel anytime, and we won’t charge your card again.

MetaHelm Activators gives you access to:

1 - All Activating Structures of Strategic Narrative®

Get unlimited access to MetaHelm's complete methodology, documented in our library of videos, guidebooks, and tools. We designed these resources to help you focus on effective implementation. The content keeps growing, with Guillaume adding a new Activating Structure each week. This is your personal toolkit for building a deeply resonant and successful professional practice. 

2 - Weekly Training Sessions (60 min)

Join us every Thursday at 9:00 a.m. PST for exclusive group training calls. Each session begins with a 20-minute presentation by Guillaume, where he introduces and explains a specific Activating Structure—a practical, action-oriented framework from the Strategic Narrative® methodology. This is followed by hands-on practice to help you implement these structures

3 - The Activators Forum

Our private forum is open 24/7 and fuels constant ideas, inspiration, and support. Engage with peers, ask questions, get feedback, and find accountability partners. This is the central hub for all communication related to the program—no emails are sent outside of this forum. You can also request specific topics for the program to cover, ensuring it meets your evolving needs and interests.

4 - A Network of Like-minded Entrepreneurs

Join a community of creative, committed, and caring entrepreneurs. MetaHelm attracts "go-giver" professionals dedicated to accelerating growth, profitability, and personal development. Engage with peers who provide accountability, support, and the kind of connection that makes the entrepreneurial journey feel less lonely.

MetaHelm Activators Training: A Guided Tour

Watch the replay of the August 6th, 2024 information session


“I recommend attending Guillaume's classes to all my associates. Rote marketing methodology is broken, and I think that is clear to a vast number of business owners who see no return on their investments. People no longer just buy services, they buy human connection, meaning and purpose. Guillaume's special talent is enabling meaningful human connection in business. Thank you Guillaume.”

Gigi Desfontaines

Founder - Virtual Business Partner

What is an Activating Structure?

An Activating Structure is a straightforward, action-oriented framework to translate core values into effective business practices. These structures guide entrepreneurs in uncovering their core values and implementing them everywhere in their business with ease, joy, and creativity. The Strategic Narrative Canvas helps you select the right structures, saving time and keeping you focused.

Perhaps “Activating Structure” sounds like a fancy term for a “process,” but at MetaHelm, we know language shapes your narrative.

Here are some examples of MetaHelm Activating Structures:

  • “What Do You Do?”: Articulate your business and watch as more of the right clients say, "That's exactly what I need!"
  • “The One-Year Letter”: A time-bending exercise to anchor your business plan in the actions that matter most to your future success.
  • “Productized Services”: A shortcut to authentic and valuable solutions that help you sell your expertise with authenticity and confidence. 
  • “The Purpose Ladder”: A strategy tool to uncover the ultimate reasons your business exists beyond its immediate functions and services.

The Annual Rhythm of MAT

MAT features an annual cycle with four quarterly themes, each aligning with a discipline of the Strategic Narrative® methodology:

Summer (July - Sept): Purposeful Operation—Plan and manage your business with a clear moral compass.

Fall (October - December): Authentic Selling—Align your offerings with true benevolence, not force.

Winter (January - March): Visionary Leadership—Turn possibilities into realities with the right mindset and habits.

Spring (April - June): Meaningful Marketing—Find your business’s true relevance in the world.

Each quarter deepens your understanding and application of these core disciplines, ensuring that by year’s end, you’ve fully integrated them into your business strategy.

Guillaume Wiatr

Meet Your Instructor

Guillaume Wiatr is the founder of MetaHelm and the creator of Strategic Narrative®, the business strategy methodology that helps entrepreneurs build authentic, expertise-based professional services firms. With 32 years as a consultant, coach, and founder of four B2B ventures, he is dubbed "the business therapist" by clients. Guillaume guides leaders to build a successful business they also love by growing Narrative Power, the ability to defy the normal when the normal is wrong. He also loves teaching and mentoring entrepreneurs at startup incubators and the University of Washington’s Master of Science in Entrepreneurship, ranked in the top 10 in the US.


You might be wondering...

You can review the full MetaHelm offering here. MAT is a practical, hands-on way to learn Strategic Narrative®, the methodology developed by Guillaume to grow authentic expertise-based businesses. Unlike the higher-touch MetaHelm Changemakers Mastermind, MAT requires self-guided implementation. While services like Expert On A Mission or Team On A Mission provide tailored, individual guidance, MAT offers standardized guidance that participants can adapt to their needs on their own. This makes MAT ideal for self-directed entrepreneurs who prefer a group setting and must manage their budget and time efficiently.

No problem. You won’t miss out. The MetaHelm learning platform provides everything to catch up on past content, and the program’s cyclical nature ensures themes are revisited annually, allowing full integration over time.

You can cancel anytime; however, refunds are not available once a month’s fee has been paid.

You can pose questions during the weekly session and in the Activators Forum. For more personalized support, contact Guillaume directly or consider services like MCM, Expert On A Mission, or Team On A Mission.

MAT is delivered online to serve our global clientele. If interest grows, we may organize in-person retreats in the future.

After the annual cycle, you can renew your membership to access new content, review past themes, or deepen your knowledge. Continual engagement opportunities ensure ongoing growth and connection.

Yes! While MAT is designed with entrepreneurs in mind, the concepts we cover are useful for anyone in various work settings. If you're a small business owner, remote worker, or looking to make your business more authentic and you connect with our Strategic Narrative® framework, you're welcome to join us.

You'll have immediate access to all previous MetaHelm content upon joining. You can access everything for as long as you remain in the program.

No problem, we would love to help. Email us at contact@metahelm.com.

We typically respond within 24 business hours.

Start the journey now!

$100 / MONTH

No long-term commitment required. Cancel anytime, and we won’t charge your card again.