Every entrepreneur shares one goal: to create change. This could mean shaping our communities, questioning industry norms, serving clients better, or simply forging our own path with more freedom, choice, and control. Our businesses become the vessels of these transformation journeys.

But real, lasting change doesn't come from lone heroes. And it doesn't happen without money.

Meet a group of professionals who want more than just to get by. They want to play big with impact and success.

Welcome to the MetaHelm Changemakers. Think of it as a small-scale private mentoring program supercharged for transformative collaboration.

Here, we give you the tools you need to tackle the problems that matter to you. Whether it's finding the right clients, shaking up your industry, or facing personal challenges head-on.

How? We bring you new ideas, skills, connections, and the inspiration you need to make the impact and earn the money you want. We build and boost your narrative.

But this mastermind isn't just about you making change. It is the change. Our dream? A world where every business seizes its singular potential - its leadership ability to defy the normal when the normal is wrong. We call this their Narrative Power.

Everyone has changemaking DNA. And it’s up to you to unlock it.

This mastermind is here to light that spark. To give you the energy, ideas, and inspiration to send your business on its mission. Change is not a short-term goal; it’s a never-ending journey.

Would you give up your dreams of flexibility, impact, and financial success? We didn't think so. So why not make your entrepreneurial journey a bit easier?

Join a group of peers who deeply care.

Apply to become a MetaHelm Changemaker today.

Get peer support, honest feedback, true collaboration, and personalized guidance from Guillaume Wiatr.

Submit your application today.


The MetaHelm Changemakers Mastermind includes:

1 - Weekly Group Coaching Calls (60 min.)

Three Thursdays a month at 9:00 am PST, these Zoom Group Coaching Calls are exclusively for members.

Expect 15 to 20 participants maximum in each call. In these dynamic 60-minute sessions, Guillaume provides live guidance on your specific situation. Whether it's one of the focus areas in Strategic Narrative® or identifying your next business steps, you steer these unstructured Q&A discussions. These calls are optional. Can't attend live? Submit questions in advance for recorded responses. Key segments are recorded for the group, fostering a shared learning environment. This is not just coaching; it's a journey of collective growth and learning, tailored to your needs.

2 - Quarterly 1:1 Work Session (60 min.)

In these 60-minute sessions, you work privately with Guillaume to assess your progress and update your action plan for the coming quarter. (A $1,000 value every 90 days - use it or loose it)

Every 90 days, review your Strategic Narrative Canvas, celebrate your achievements and refocus on your mission. A dedicated online schedule ensures easy booking. This is a space for detailed analysis, practical problem-solving, and strategic planning. Every quarter's end signals the exciting beginning of a new chapter of growth and impact.

3 - Monthly Live Workshops (60 min.)

The last Thursday of the month, at 9:00 am PST, you have a guaranteed member spot to learn and interact with Guillaume on Zoom.

These monthly 60-minute guided sessions are your gateway to new business strategies. Engage in live learning, question Guillaume directly, and deepen your understanding in a way no pre-recorded content can match. Can't make it to the live workshop? We've got you covered with complimentary access to videos of the session. These monthly live workshop sessions are more than just webinars; they are our commitment to your continuous learning and growth.

4 - The MCM Private Forum

This is a brand new feature on This 24/7 platform fuels constant ideas, inspiration, and support.

Engage in diverse discussions, from personal progress to exchanging resources. Get feedback on your marketing strategies or find collaborative opportunities. Guillaume quickly answers your questions here. This forum isn't just about conversation, it's about creating a tight support group where you can gain confidence, take action, and drive impact.

5 - All MetaHelm Online Courses (120 videos)

As soon as you join the mastermind you get instant access to more than 120 videos about building narrative power for your business. (A $1,500 value)
 See the course catalog here

The content keeps growing, with Guillaume adding a new course monthly and multiple lessons weekly. This ever-expanding library serves as your personal toolset for building narrative power at your own pace, helping you make a greater impact and increase your earnings.

6 - Full MetaHelm Toolkit (50 items)

Every guide, template, and framework Guillaume curates is at your disposal, free for you to use for your own business and clients. (A $500 value)

Tap into a repository of more than 50 resources, instantly accessible as a MetaHelm Changemaker. If you don't see what you're looking for, just ask Guillaume and he'll dig into his "warehouse" of treasures. From templates that streamline your processes to checklists ensuring you never miss a step and frameworks offering strategic direction, this toolkit helps you accelerate your path to purpose-driven prosperity.

7 - Weekly Recap and Focus Emails

Every week's end, receive a recap of the best posts and resources shared with the mastermind, along with the upcoming call schedule.

As the new week starts, a focused email lands in your inbox to help you set the right intentions and prioritize your actions for the week ahead. These emails help you develop your compass, guide your progress, and help you stay aligned, informed, and action-oriented.

... and more upcoming support!

Throughout the year, we will ad pop-up trainings, guest speaker talks and hot-seat sessions to make sure you get the care and attention that you and your business need.

Your Compass to Success:
The Strategic Narrative® Methodology

What do we work on in this mastermind? The world of the MetaHelm Changemakers Mastermind is structured around four 4 disciplines and 12 practices of the Strategic Narrative® methodology.

Designed to bring focus, inspire action, and drive impactful results, this methodology is our compass to navigate our growth journey together.

The Strategic Narrative® Canvas

The four disciplines of Strategic Narrative® are:

Visionary Leadership: forging the mindset and habits for turning possibilities into realities.

Meaningful Marketing: helping your business find its true relevance into the world.

Purposeful Operations: planning and running your business with a singular moral compass.

Authentic Selling: aligning your help and ideal clients with true benevolence, not forceful persuasion.

Now is the time to build a business that fills your bank account and your soul too.